Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Late Bloomers

We are a generation of late bloomers. We have been distracted our entire lives, never really paying attention to the world around us. Never bothering to stop consuming and start creating. We consume to culture which is marketed to us by people much older than us. Fashion, television, games, music, movies…so much of it is created by old white men – designed solely to get our money. You think that pop punk band is so great, that they totally identify with you? Well they were formed, dressed, and completely designed by some music executive in just that manner. It’s all about marketing.

We are a generation of late bloomers. College enrolment is at an all time high. The number of college grads moving back in with their parents after graduation is also on the rise. I’m sure you’ve heard it said…“30 is the new 20”. We have such a youth oriented culture that we have created a generation afraid to grow up. We go to college, and still act like children. “College kids”. We’re terrified of life after school. The real world is daunting and big. So we’ll just leave the running of the real world to the adults. They seem to be doing a pretty good job of it.

We are a generation of late bloomers. We have all this education, and no knowledge. We have no truths to call our own, no calling to be our truth. We consume and consume and consume…information, education, entertainment. When will we begin to create? Where is our renaissance? Are we really just going to slip through the cracks like this? To simply accept the lukewarm, processed leftovers of our parents’ culture? Are we going to do anything at all?

Is anyone even listening? Does anyone even hear my words? Perhaps I am a fringe lunatic. A voice calling in the wilderness. Does anyone even care?

How can I start something when I have no concept of what it is I want to start? How can I start something if no one joins me? How can I be a part of something which doesn’t exist?

Maybe it will take us a little bit longer to bloom.


Blogger Mythicalbyrd said...

What kind of asshole posts an advertisement making money? I mean money is bullshit anyway (ask your roommate's boyfriend about an alternative system to money).

Music is show business. It's a stage act...like a play. Some musicians become political activists though, there's nothing wrong with that.

People are generally stupid...a flock of sheep. Somebody needs to take charge of that flock...be their prophet. I'm speaking more in terms of an idea of the artist as prophet rather than a religious thing (although I do have prophetic religious pipe dreams as well). Do you know whose responsibility it is to be the leaders of our generation? YOU! It is exactly people like the two of us who should be working towards change. If you think you can't become one of those people than it is because "the man" has convinced you of such.

I think you should stop asking what a revolution needs to accomplish and ask yourself how you should be living your life... start from within and work outward.

Maybe you will come up with or discover a
certain lifestyle (or lifestyles) that you wish to expose to the world. Have you ever seen a movie about a writer that makes you want to write (Total Eclipse is one but there are many others)? Create something that inspires people (not necessarily to do art but to pursue a counterculture).

Be Bohemian.

9:07 PM  

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